Friday, February 28, 2014

Pictogram 3.0.0 (Marcosro)

Seeds: 111
Peers: 94


Version: 3.0.0
Category: Multimedia|Graphic|Graphic Others
Developer: Kudlian Soft
Size: 211 mb

What is new:


Torrent Size: 211 mb
Files: 3
Pictogram torrent



This award-winning PC & Mac application many new features and graphics, and a favorite with teachers and children alike.Offering large library of user-friendly images such as pets, and air transport, this class provides a fresh and contemporary look.Pictogram tool appplication offer progression through different types of graphs, the level of support. This concept is extended to flowcharts and diagrams. The icon can also cause the chart. Pie-main window icon maximized to fill the screen, regardless of screen size and dynamically changes the schedule without compromising picture quality set Recording dialog box, as shown in the photographs contained in each set, so that the children should not read the image set wants to use toolbar easily configure access to save the file and print, and other configuration settings are too new photo sets name can be easily added to the library image icon allows teachers to create their own picture sets Icon recognizes the dyes used for coloring labels and graphics, to maintain and printing options are disabled

FlashToolset 20 [Windows 7/8]

Seeds: 129
Peers: 60


Category: Internet|WEB Design|Flash
Developer: Easeweb
Size: 13 mb

What is new:


Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
FlashToolset 20 torrent

FlashToolset 20


Flashtoolset is Macromedia Flash MX ready.Flashtoolset can be categorized as a Macromedia Flash third party tool. Perhaps the best? Teenagers? You `ll decide. Sna? Ili we have in this small but very powerful au? Itečných applications, features that will help in the development and construction of va? E Flash projects . We told Flashtoolset was just the beginning, and now here we are: new and improvements? Holding it functions. Flashtoolset you? El of the ideas and needs Easeweb `s design department` s why we think? E will be close? Ek va? PotÅ™ebama im real re feast. Here are some of the features standard browser is? Eč files [Windows Explorer] - files like swf, fla, as, SWT, exe, PLD are marked in different colors so? Es them with him?? can manipulate laptop better? teenagers not? u ....... MU? can also view the file `s flash version and several attributes, such as: the number of frames, frames per second? width, you?? ka. I Flash6 file for it, you? Can determine whether the video was compressed or not.-player preview window - Previewing a SWF projectors, as you walk through the va? Files e. Mu? Can also view the current frame number or drag the slider to the? Desired number of frames. Extract Resources - Extract multiple images, sound and movie clips from the selected object with just one click. It `s also works if you have a film on video. Please use? Ijte only for educational purposes and not for other steel work! A great feature if you have lost you. Fla file. Even with the new version of Macromedia Flash MX, he?? Can embedd movies in the file. Swf. With this version Flashtoolset you `ll know only when the SWF file containing the insert or not? Measured videos. create CD Autorun files -. Generates the files needed to create a separate presentation to autoplay CD. You `ve made a presentation / animation / e-card and you want it on CD, this function will create the necessary files so? Va e? E files will play automatically when? insert? te disk CD-ROM in the drive. Also, you tell him? Can attach a custom icon for the CD-ROM that appears after loading? Measurement č.d.-converted to the projector - Convert selected item? File to the projector stand -alone with its own icon, then he?? can send to your friends / customers and do not need a plugin / player see the file (s) that are online. Publishing - Publish and view the selected object in HTML format. Also PocketPC? Template is available.A-off cover - Remove the cover from the import function for the selected object. News - Access daily updated News Flash, with stories from different places flash community. Poka? De, when? you will have a new icon on the taskbar news flashes. Also, you tell him? Can set a time frame and choose a custom sound to play when? when? la report. -Mail - After? Summer's animated films attached to the e-mail. Text-Field Editor - Editing inner text box selected SWF file without (re) open the FLA file ... if the text box contains the insert? Measured font where? You `ll be able to deploy only fonts.-specific ActionScript editor - Edit / View va? e as files with this powerful ActionScript editor .. Flash MX syntax highlighting is available . -Compress swf - You Flash6 uncompressed swf file.? With this function he?? Can compress your film and shorten. -Minimized to an icon - Minimize applications (i) in the notification area, right?? E he?? Can quickly access you need it. Even blinks when you have new messages flashing and he?? Can be opened by clicking the right mouse button we? I see only SWF files -. Lep? Teenagers manage Flash files he?? Can only view SWF files in the file list. Features - To change the frame rate or file size Flash or? by (re) Macromedia Flash environment he?? can change / display these characteristics, this feature.-find open - Caring for files that match specific criteria: key , and the place, date, advanced flash (version, frame rate, number of frames? width, you?? ka). This feature is great for finding / preview SWF files from va? Teenagers cache. for keeping the aspect ratio the browser? ECI - Display the selected item? ky ...

SportPlayer Pro 2013 [64-Bit & 32-Bit] Torrent Download

Seeds: 134
Peers: 85


Version: 2013
Category: Internet|Internet Radio/TV Player
Developer: SportPlayer
Size: 13 mb

What is new: New live broadcasts links search engine New interface Minor bugs fixed


Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
SportPlayer Pro torrent

SportPlayer Pro


Process SportPlayer small application allows you to watch live sports. Take action live with what happens when a little mouse. The program will be aired video links. Choose what you want and enjoy the action! The program for viewing different sports over the Internet. All upcoming sporting events in a table. Sort by sports or time. Search automatic video broadcasts. Support sopcast, tvu, JustinTV, Freedocast, BoxLive and many other formats. keywords: sport, online, live, broadcast, tournaments, football.

VideoReDo Plus x64-x86 Torrent Download

Seeds: 137
Peers: 51


Category: Multimedia|Video|Video Editors
Developer: VideoReDo
Size: 12 mb

What is new: Fix: When source and destination files were dvr-ms, sometimes VideoReDo would hang for 2-20 minutes while windows would copy and re-index the output file. Fix: The AbortOutput call in the COM interface did not work properly. Fix: Intermittent crash when doing a GOP reduction. Fix: Creating a chapter file with timecodes with a .hh format format (e.g. hh:mm:ss.hh) would cause a crash.


Torrent Size: 12 mb
Files: 2
VideoReDo Plus torrent

VideoReDo Plus


VideoReDo works mainly withMPEG1 and MPEG2. It allows?? Ia con you? Remove unwanted scenes i?? video program (cutting) and enter the stage to?? different applications into one seamless file (log). From VideoReDo work without decoding and re-encoding?? Raw material in the original video quality will I?? Considered to be a few changes. Edit points are correct in one frame, and with a wide variety of navigation tools, you can quickly navigate through your video software, in order to?? Know the exact equipment you want to add or con? Remove i?? your output file. Automatically? When set VideoReDo MPEG files that are corrupt or missing audio or video materials?? Intended to come resulting MPEG files in sync. Are you the original source program must be nepriekai?? Competent audio / video synchronization tools publishers have VideoReDo?? Licensure adjust the volume back in perfect sync. VideoReDo Plus adds additional options, such as?? Example, real-time too?? View your changes, computerized commercial detection and summary thumbnail.

Vista Codec Package 6.5.3 Torrent Download

Seeds: 113
Peers: 97


Version: 6.5.3
Category: Multimedia|Video|Codec Packs/ Video Codecs
Developer: Shark007
Size: 14 mb

What is new: fix subtitles on Vista


Torrent Size: 14 mb
Files: 2
Vista Codec Package torrent

Vista Codec Package


Codecs is a problem for most users at one time or another. This is because it has never been out of the working solution of the box average computer user to install and just have everything work properly from the beginning. There are several decent codec package solutions out there, but none of them did everything I wanted. I was always in need of adjustment, adaptation, or even a re-installation just to get the codecs I needed / wanted most of the time, the file still did play properly. I've never claimed to be a media guru. My media experience prior to creating these packages was to doubleclick a file I downloaded and hope played. So, with the help of the MSFN community, I decided to pack a minimum of codecs required by most computer users and share them with the world. The installer will automatically remove most other popular codec releases from your computer before installing this concise but comprehensive package. Conquer the need to make any adjustments or tweaks to enjoy your media content immediately. Windows Media Player and Media Center will recognize landscapes instantly your files as playable. The Vista Codec Package does not contain a media player program and not associate file types. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players' capabilities, to play all movies and video clips. Streaming video is compatible with several formats in all popular web browsers. Users of VCP have the ability to choose what is installed and where to install it using the public redistributable. After installation you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. You can also re-add the removed items at any time. Note: Some antivirus programs flag and Antispyware Vista codec package as being infected / malware, although the application is perfectly safe and does not pose a threat to the system. This is called a false positive. The term false positive is used when antivirus software wrongly classifies an innocuous file (harmless) as a virus. The incorrect detection may be due to heuristics or an incorrect virus signature in a database. [Similar problems can occur with or antispyware software antitrojan.]

Photo Makeup Editor 1.91 Portable Torrent Download

Seeds: 147
Peers: 53


Version: 1.91
Category: Multimedia|Graphic|Graphic Editors
Developer: AMS Software
Size: 13 mb

What is new: New cosmetic tools. Better photo editing quality.

Features: Apply lipstick, rouge, eye shadow, and powder. Apply line eyelids and change eye color. Reduce or remove wrinkles. Fix skin blemishes. Reshape any aspect of the face and body. Allows you to lighten up the skin or add a suntan. Change hair color or even highlight hair. Change facial expression. Create attractive smile. Adjust brightness, contrast and color on the face.

Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
Photo Makeup Editor torrent

Photo Makeup Editor


Photo Makeup editor has been developed to be a photo retouching and virtual makeup software. You can make your pictures more beautiful and also change your style! The program offers 10 unique face enhancement tools. It lets you achieve good results in minutes, making the photo truly glamorous! The majority of users never think about buying a photo makeup program until they face a common situation: they need to upload their images to social networks, dating sites or their resume, but the picture is far from perfect and precise begging for some improvement. Not many of us have Photoshop installed or the skills necessary to make proper use of this great software and thats when most users trapped in this situation start dreaming about a tool that would be simple, yet complicated; snap to use, yet producing great results ; solid, but with a set of sneaky tricks that will make your eye brow go all the way up ... If you've been there at least once, you will be pleased to know that this tool has arrived - meet Photo Makeup Editor! Name of Photo Makeup Editor speaks for itself. Its all about making the image look better. If you forget to do makeup morning one of your favorite pictures was taken, do not worry - this software program got all covered! Of permanent makeup procedures to change hair color and also implement digital? Plastic surgery? - All of these features are available in Makeup Editor immediately after installation Picture. This program has an easy user interface with large icons and clear, so you win lost among dozens of panels, palettes, menus and tabs - everything will be right in front of your eyes. Photo Makeup Editor allows you to experiment with your appearance - change the color of your skin, adding tons, weddings, east, retro or evening makeup or simply go wild and try everything! If you like to experiment with your appearance or just need to attempt to quickly add a little twist to your usual picture, don find anything complex or professional - all you need is a good tool retouch images. Photo Makeup Editor is an ideal candidate for the job, so give this great digital makeup that try as soon as possible!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Live 9.0.5 Torrent Download

Seeds: 141
Peers: 58


Version: 9.0.5
Category: Multimedia|Audio|Audio Editors/Recorders
Developer: Ableton
Size: 811 mb

What is new: Improvements and feature changes: Added control surface support for M-Audio Axiom Air 25, 49 and 61 keyboards. Added new default presets for Analog, Electric, Operator, Simpler, Sampler, Tension, Auto Filter, EQ Eight and Saturator for improved compatibility with control surfaces. The menu item 'View -> Detail -> Track' was renamed to 'View -> Detail -> Device'. Updated lessons and info texts. Bugfixes: The Ableton Index process could block the GUI after launching Live. Fixed a bug which could decrease Live's GUI performance in sets containing a very large amount of devices. The Arpeggiator device could play too many notes under certain conditions. MIDI velocity fades would not work in an Instrument- or MIDI Effect Rack's key zone editor. Chains assigned to certain velocity ranges in an Instrument Rack's Velocity Zone Editor would not be triggered under certain conditions. Using the TAB key while renaming a track would not jump to the next track name if certain control ...

Features: Multitrack recording up to 32-bit/192 kHz Nondestructive editing with unlimited undo Powerful and creative MIDI sequencing of software and hardware instruments Advanced warping and real-time time-stretching Supports AIFF, WAV, MP3, Ogg Vorbis and FLAC files A comprehensive selection of built-in audio and MIDI effects Built-in instruments: Simpler for sample-based synthesis, Impulse for sampled drums Instrument, Drum and Effect Racks New groove engine; apply and extract grooves in real time VST and AU support; automatic plug-in delay compensation REX file support plus built-in audio to MIDI slicing Video import and export for scoring, video warping Simple MIDI mapping plus instant mapping for selected hardware Full ReWire support; runs as Slave or Master Single-screen user interface for simple, creativity-focused operation Multicore and multiprocessor support

Torrent Size: 811 mb
Files: 3
Live torrent



Ableton Live software is a handy and convenient, the ability will bring?? Making music and the performing arts in the future. Seamlessley move to?? basic song ideas to studio production or to the stage with Live. Live, the pace is everyone? "When liquids. Throw in what i want?? a drum loop stubs works and i live?? recess time u?? lock?? down tight. Comply with the pace of the new mood, films of the lead frame, or keep up with your jamming partners all without stopping the music. Live also allows?? Licensure you set timing errors and continue changing after making it simple to repair that near-perfect guitar riff, piktnaud?? IAuto drum groove loop, or get creative?? Taken to new ways. Application opens all?? When new worlds of creative i?? Resolution?? Ka. Sumo?, Type in any number of tracks and loops, remix on the fly, capture audio loops in real time i?? decks and other i?? overhead?? ALTIN, add your creations to me? Knowledge, and much more. If you rise?? Walked rig or a creative addition to the existing setup they live center opens up new possibilities for the increase?? Walked. IRA?? S perfectly cut loops on the fly, the amount?? Oma and match audio of any tempo, and add effects, all without ever stop the music: everything happens in real time. Follow your inspiration and use your creative time? "When instead i?? Allow it to convert the sample rate, the calculation of the rate of editing lines and mar? Paths of complex effects chains. I live?? Time music flowing and gives you back your creative life. Live musical sketch pad that quickly and easily allows?? Ia i?? Try new ideas and capture the ones you want to use later. Live clips from Racks and its powerful browsing experience? Input options, Live encourages experimentation and u?? Verify that no good idea ever gets away. Live over?? Resolved?? Calculation method limits per day?? WASTEWATERS based on a traditional calendar. Drag and drop the new record ideas on the fly, play your ideas in any order, at any time you want, all without a linear timeline constraints. I live to escape?? calendar only paradigm is the original concept, which will bring?? wo such recognition?? being cleared as a tool for the stage. NOTE: Users can turn on u?? Smooth and free of export permits i?? Administration functions, the software u?? For 30 days.

PE GUARD 2.1 (Windows XP/7/8) Torrent Download

Seeds: 125
Peers: 68


Version: 2.1
Category: Antivirus
Developer: Opaida
Size: 13 mb

What is new: You can save now the safe processes in pegconfig.ini . There is a new restriction on renaming a PE file. The countdown timer will stop when the mouse moves over the alert window. The alert will appear faster than before. Portability. Bug Fixes.

Features: Three modes of work[Power mode, Internet mode and Normal mode], you can easily choose one by shortcut keys. Enhancement protection when surfing the Internet. Enhancement USB protection - you will never be infected by autorun viruses and other viruses from USB flash. High-speed popup window. Logger for events. Lightweight in resource using, in another word, SET and FORGET!

Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
PE GUARD torrent



PP GUARD is a handy tool designed to protect your computer from viruses / rootkits and protect your existing executable files from being infected. You'll never have Interent connection for software updates.

Alt CDA to MP3 Converter 7.3 (32-Bit) Torrent Download

Seeds: 123
Peers: 95


Version: 7.3
Category: Multimedia|Audio|Audio Convertors
Developer: NeSoft Inc.
Size: 14 mb

What is new:

Features: converting from Windows Explorer exactly with one right mouse click and make and customize shell integration; fast converting speed; easy to use: it has a user-friendly and simple interface that allows you to select files for encoding easily, set different parameters for files and convert them all together; supports Drag & Drop from Explorer or File Manager into it's main window; using mp3 TAGs: you can specify information about each of music file (Title, Artist, Album, etc.); advanced output format settings: you can change bitrate (up to 320 kbps !), sample rate, stereo modes and other settings; automatic source deleting: source files can be deleted automatically after convertion, it is convenient if you convert from the big library in your hard drive and want to save free space on it or if you convert from files in many different folders; You can add WinAmp and WMPlayer Playlists; Skins support. Work with more attractive interface! low registration price.

Torrent Size: 14 mb
Files: 2
Alt CDA to MP3 Converter torrent

Alt CDA to MP3 Converter


Alt CDA to MP3 Converter is a program that will help you create your own music library, the easiest and quickest one to?? Alt CDA to MP3 Converter Featuers is that it works from the de?, Right-click on the file menu. Just click on the de?, Right mouse key? Closes the CDA, select Convert to MP3! As easy as 1, 2, 3! Alt CDA to MP3 conversion is a great CD ripping. ?? I program is designed and very user-friendly automatic (batch) conversion of music CDs.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Update

Seeds: 116
Peers: 75


Category: Others|Signatures/Updates
Developer: Kaspersky
Size: 211 mb

What is new:


Torrent Size: 211 mb
Files: 3
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Update torrent

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Update


It is essential to update antivirus databases on a regular basis. Failure to do so will be weighing? antivirus program can not detect the new programs? harmful. That is why we have released an update ka? Dou hours to ensure? Teno,? E consumers are protected against the newest? MENTAL solutions? Tions malware.Antivirus from Kaspersky Lab not only detect? malicious software, but other programs? harmful, such as: - Adware - Remote administration programs - Utilities which can be used? ity programs or usersThe ? harmful downloads are available for a set of tools that will update update Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.x/8.x versons Kaspersky Internet Security 7.x 8th X s newest? Teenagers virus signature to keep it? Eli in top notch shape. For more information, he?? Can nav? Tivity this page.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Magik DHCP Server 0.8a (by 11arman11)

Seeds: 150
Peers: 94


Version: 0.8a
Category: Internet|Servers|Other Servers
Developer: Magik Info
Size: 811 mb

What is new: Fixed bugs where the server would not detect a static IP on Windows NT 4.0 and would refuse to start. Added the possibility of adding comments to hardware leases. The lease window is now resizable. All the controls are now themed on Windows XP and above. Fixed a couple of crashes and small problems.

Features: Support for most Windows versions (98, ME, NT, 2000, XP & Server 2003) Fully customizable, allows you to specify all the options that you hand out to your clients. Run as a service on all platforms. The server is running as soon as the machine is running. Address Reservations: guarantees that specific clients always get the same IP address. All the benefits of a static IP assignment, without the trouble of reconfiguring it if you need to change it.

Torrent Size: 811 mb
Files: 3
Magik DHCP Server torrent

Magik DHCP Server


DHCP server can MagikDHCP editable for Windows OS.It simplifying your network infrastructure by maintaining a central point of control your network IP addresses. The latest version supports all the features you would expect from a DHCP server, including IP address reservations, customized responses, relay agent services to manage multiple subnets from one server and much more.

Protected Folder 1.2 32/64 Bit Torrent Download

Seeds: 113
Peers: 57


Version: 1.2
Category: Security|Encrypting
Developer: IObit
Size: 14 mb

What is new: Added Support for Windows 8 Added More Language Files Improved Interface Fixed General Bugs

Features: Extremely Easy to Use: Just drag and drop the file to Protected Folder to protect it. Its intuitive interface makes it the ideal utility for complete computer novice. Hide from View: Hide folders, files, pictures & videos from those who want to investigate and search for certain files on your computer. No one can see them except you. Block Access: Easily block access to files, folders, and programs you choose. You can password protect folder and its files then others can see it but cannot access, read or view its content. Write Protection Protect your files from being modified by others. No one can change the content of your files without your permission. Lock your file and folder to be unchangeable. Privacy Protection Keep your private data, files, pictures or videos into Protected Folder, the only way to access these files is with your password. No more Data theft, Data loss, or Data leaks Lock your important files or folders from being accidentally deleted, replaced, or stolen by others. Safe and Secure Protected Folder is safe and secure, without any virus, adware, and spyware.

Torrent Size: 14 mb
Files: 2
Protected Folder torrent

Protected Folder


Protected Folder is a professional applicationcreated to password protect your data. He works as a security, just drag and drop the folders or files you want to hide or protect into Protected Folder, then no one can see, read or modify them. If you're concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, or data leaks, Protected Folder is an ideal tool for you.

VMR 1.0 moayed250

Seeds: 110
Peers: 67


Version: 1.0
Category: Others|Finances & Business
Developer: Wheeler Initiatives
Size: 13 mb

What is new:


Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
VMR torrent



VMR vessels to manage small or large your car in a professional manner and Reported costs reparaçãoe record store style. For personal vehicle. Maintenance of shops preventive maintenance - all kinds of changes? Period of time based on their choice. , Keeping a record of the life of vehicle repair and maintenance services preventive maintenance is. You save money and provide peace of mind!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

jetAudio (oOARTIKOo) Torrent Download

Seeds: 119
Peers: 54


Category: Multimedia|Audio|Audio Players
Developer: Cowon America
Size: 53 mb

What is new: New skins (Gray v2 v3, Silver v2 v3) Albumart display in MC/Playlist windows Added Playcount column in MC Pause for CD ripping/Audio converter windows Convert MP3 tags to unicode Change file path (used when media files moved to another drive/directory) Change file path when saving to PLS/M3U Fade out/Fade in when Pause/Resume Export images in Tag Edit dialog box Fixed other minor bugs and enhancements

Features: Supports All Major File Formats Audio CD burning Recording Visualization Various sound effects Speed Control Resume Synchronized Lyric (Karaoke) Alarm & Timer Equalizer Conversion Audio CD Ripping Internet Broadcasting Tag Editing Multi-channel sound ouput Crossfade Skin Subtitles CDDB Convenient album management & Playlist

Torrent Size: 53 mb
Files: 2
jetAudio torrent



Jetaudio integrated multimedia software. Not only play various music files but also has other major features such as music recording CD recording of music files, conversion to other file mode, etc. In addition to these specialized features, you can create your own exclusive broadcasting system by connecting jetAudio to JetCast delivered to you along with jetAudio. This version not only cleared some limitations jetAudio but also added new features. Jetaudio improved ID3 tags, skin, MPC MOV and m3u playback to name a few and jetCast gives users new opportunities for bottom-up and Port-forwarding. JetAudio Basic is definitely freeware so there's no MP3 and MP3 Pro encoding module. If you need these features, you can purchase jetAudio 6 Plus.

PCDJ Red VRM 7.3 Build 1001

Seeds: 101
Peers: 84


Version: 7.3 Build 1001
Category: Multimedia|Audio|Audio Mixers/Synthesizers
Developer: Digital 1 Media Inc
Size: 14 mb

What is new:

Features: Master Tempo Loop Editor LoopIn/Out/Reloop Recorder MP3/WMA/WAV Reverse VRM Plugin Support (karaoke etc) 3band EQ with infinity kills MixNow Button supports MP3/WAV/WMA/DRM Advanced drag and drop recordcase Adjustable feirds, fonts and colors Dual/multi sound card support find / search song Free db database DRM (Digital Rights Management) support Pitch bend/step Low EQ kill on automix Advanced Xfader controls Gain stepping BPM scanning Metronome Large screen 1024?768 Sync Automix Beatmatching 20 Cuepoints AutoPlay/Shuffle play Cue Mix Ripper MP3/WAV/WMA/CDG SoundCard Selection One Touch Looping(LP) with DAC only DAC-2 external controller support

Torrent Size: 14 mb
Files: 2
PCDJ Red VRM torrent



PCDJ Red VRM has been completed. Please refer PCDJ DEX 2 at the latest? Iu version / better? Teenagers. PCDJ Red VRM is an application that gives you full control over your? Ej music organized., Playlist, master tempo and the cueing, and M band. This product has those? mo? Wear add the VRM plug-ins, as well as on? e PCDJ KJ karaoke, that allows? apply for? USERS budget? Irit part of the software as needed. It provides you najkomplexnej? Ie a set of professional features to perform? Any shares DJ like weddings, parties and clubs; club. PCDJ DJ software is first used? User of Microsoft DRM (Digital Rights Management), opens up possible? Company to download, play and mie? Whether music from many sources right in the applications: , CII advantage.

Monday, February 24, 2014

PCDJ Red VRM 7.3 Build 1001 Torrent Download

Seeds: 115
Peers: 70


Version: 7.3 Build 1001
Category: Multimedia|Audio|Audio Mixers/Synthesizers
Developer: Digital 1 Media Inc
Size: 13 mb

What is new:

Features: Master Tempo Loop Editor LoopIn/Out/Reloop Recorder MP3/WMA/WAV Reverse VRM Plugin Support (karaoke etc) 3band EQ with infinity kills MixNow Button supports MP3/WAV/WMA/DRM Advanced drag and drop recordcase Adjustable feirds, fonts and colors Dual/multi sound card support find / search song Free db database DRM (Digital Rights Management) support Pitch bend/step Low EQ kill on automix Advanced Xfader controls Gain stepping BPM scanning Metronome Large screen 1024?768 Sync Automix Beatmatching 20 Cuepoints AutoPlay/Shuffle play Cue Mix Ripper MP3/WAV/WMA/CDG SoundCard Selection One Touch Looping(LP) with DAC only DAC-2 external controller support

Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
PCDJ Red VRM torrent



PCDJ Red VRM has been discontinued. Please refer to PCDJ DEX 2 for a recent version / better. PCDJ Red VRM is an application that gives you complete control over your music organizations., Play lists, master tempo and the music signal. This product also has the potential to increase the VRM plug-ins, like our PCDJ KJ Karaoke, that allows the user to expand the software as needed. It provides the most comprehensive set of professional features to perform any DJ event like weddings, clubs and the clubs. PCDJ is the first DJ software to use Microsoft's DRM system (Digital Rights Management), open choice download, play and mix music from many sources right in the application.

RAR Password Cracker 4.12 [by iliapro73] Torrent Download

Seeds: 127
Peers: 96


Version: 4.12
Category: Security|Decrypting & Decoding
Developer: dnSoft Research Group
Size: 211 mb

What is new:


Torrent Size: 211 mb
Files: 3
RAR Password Cracker torrent

RAR Password Cracker


Password RAR Cracker recovers lost passwords for archive RAR / WinRAR versions of 2.xx 3.xx. RAR Password Cracker that all possible combinations of characters (how Ruteforce?), or use a password list (list words or how to search). RAR Password Cracker is able to save the current state (you can interrupt the program at any time , and restart from the same state later). Calculating estimated time allows you to configure the program more carefully. Gather yourself and multivolume archives are supported.